Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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| Contents of the directory util/wb : Workbench utilities
CAgerm.lha util/wb 59K 7+German files for ClassAction 3.5 and 2.8
CA_Catalan.lha util/wb 26K 7+Catalan files for ClassAction 3.5
CA_Finnish.lha util/wb 6K 2+Finnish files for ClassAction 3.5
CA_Portugues.lha util/wb 31K 1+Portugues files for ClassAction 3.5 & 2.
CdBS_AIFL1_53.lha util/wb 61K 7+Insult Launcher & more. (French only)
CdBS_NClck1_21.lha util/wb 18K 7+Prevent floppy drives from making ugly n
CLITool.lha util/wb 24K 8+Execute CLI commands from project icons
closewb.lha util/wb 1K 6+(v1.0) Closes your Workbench
cP_ShowConfig.lha util/wb 39K 2+CP!_ShowConfig V2.0 - Shows your System-
CronClock.lha util/wb 22K 1+Workbench clock, date and CRON!!!
Executor1_1.lha util/wb 35K 7+Menu for running up to 500 prgs.
explorer.lha util/wb 540K 8+Explorer. Displays File_ID`s, Converts A
ExtenMgr2_0.lha util/wb 52K 1+Macintosh style Extensions Manager V2.0
ExtMan.lha util/wb 226K 6+ExtMan V1.20 Now with preset support!!
FinalExe.lha util/wb 100K 4+V1.2 of "Execute command..." replacement
FindMe13.lha util/wb 80K 2+FULL VERSION - File Finder with text str
FullPalette18.lha util/wb 26K 4+Define, save & lock ALL Workbench colors
F_benchv1_0.lha util/wb 103K 4+Files AND Programs maganer for Amiga wit
getsiz13.lha util/wb 8K 3+Gets size of Dirs and Files (w. Toolmana
HFRemove17.lha util/wb 22K 1+Removes HFDevices from system !
HighGFX1.lha util/wb 22K 8+1024x768 Screenmode for AGA/ECS
HighGFX2.lha util/wb 684K 8+1024x768 Screenmode for AGA/ECS
HighGFX3.lha util/wb 160K 8+1024x768 Screenmode for AGA/ECS
HighGFX4.lha util/wb 604K 8+1024x768 Screenmode for AGA/ECS
HighGFX5.lha util/wb 412K 8+1024x768 Screenmode for AGA/ECS
homer_fr.lha util/wb 1.4M 7+French Sounds&Gif for Homer1.6
HotBar.lha util/wb 25K 3+V2.6: Icon-based program hotlist
JoyTest1_02.lha util/wb 19K 6+Test operation of joystick
keepwb.lha util/wb 13K 1+Prevents the Workbench screen from closi
LocateV31.lha util/wb 135K 3+Fast cross volume file & dir search & ac
lupe.lha util/wb 126K 1+The magnifying glass program
MagicMenu_TUR.lha util/wb 1K 0+Turkish localization for MagicMenu2.15
MagicTV_1_3.lha util/wb 21K 1+Fixes interlace flicker on A1200
md1_8.lha util/wb 37K 5+Call user-defined viewers according to f
MenusAndMore.lha util/wb 491K 6+Create your own GUI. V3.22
NewIcon41upd.lha util/wb 115K 4+Updates NewIcons System 4.0 to 4.1
NewIcons41.lha util/wb 655K 4+The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V4!
NIPrefs.lha util/wb 9K 1+BGUI NewIconsV4 prefs program replacemen
patchh12.lha util/wb 12K 5+Small Patch, which prevents access to hi
PowerWB.lha util/wb 68K 1+V0.7 Small but cool WB enhancer/improver
RainbootConfig.lha util/wb 606K 4+Some configs for use with Rainboot2
RamSnap.lha util/wb 5K 3+Automatically Snapshots the RamDisk Icon
RandomStartup.lha util/wb 37K 4+Selects random startup-sequences to boot
RndBdrop.lha util/wb 18K 2+Random backdrop for WB 3.x at boot +src
SayMore.lha util/wb 32K 7+Say replacement with more options v0.45
ScanHack.lha util/wb 26K 9+Hacks overscan.prefs to get Multiscan 70
ScreenToIFF1_1.lha util/wb 35K 7+Save a screen as a picture
TGM.lha util/wb 45K 7+Creates a Guide-Archiv for all your Guid
ToolMan_TUR.lha util/wb 3K 1+Turkish localization for ToolManager V3.
TTManager24b.lha util/wb 49K 1+Powerful, easy to use ToolType editor.
UnInstaller.lha util/wb 6K 6+UnInstaller v1.1 Uses Installer logfile
VisualPrefs.lha util/wb 245K 1+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI!
waitgui27.lha util/wb 31K 5+Wait replacement with progressbar
WBAttack.lha util/wb 39K 5+Switches WB between backdrop/non-backdro
WBJoyTest1_1.lha util/wb 56K 6+Test the joystick playing samples